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Marketing objectives in the time of coronavirus

A base truth for every brand is the fact that they lose when they’re unable to articulate how the brand fills a need in a consumer’s present reality. The reality that is COVID-19 has changed consumer interest and behavior so much that many brands have been unable to regain their footing. Regaining balance begins with an examination of one thing: the brand’s marketing objectives.

How to bring your MMM into the 21st century

Marketing mix modeling (MMM) is a time-tested method for measuring the impact of your marketing. It’s how many leading brands figure out what’s working across different channels, and it’s a crucial tool for guiding budget decisions. And yet, most of the time, MMM isn’t set up to provide actionable insights when it comes to digital. Follow these steps to get a more accurate and actionable read on the impact of your digital efforts.

Understanding seasonality: smart marketers are happy marketers

The Holiday Season that was 2010 - 2011 is all but over. Looking back at what happened and when, I thought it would be interesting to take a deeper look into the role seasonality plays in marketing. It turns out that the ramifications may be bigger than we first thought...but so too is our ability as marketers to identify, plan for, and find new creative ways to employ them.